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Preschool: What Does a Socially Conscious Curriculum look like in Early Childhood?
According to NAYEC (National Association for the Education of Young Children),  Early childhood educ...
How do Middle Schools Support the Development of Executive Function Skills in Students?
How do Middle Schools Support the Development of Executive Function Skills in Students? Parents will...
How do Schools Both Prepare Students and Support Families Through the High School Search Process?
How do Schools Both Prepare Students and Support Families Through the High School Search Process? ...


  • Never said it was cheating. What it is though certainly does not qualify a child as “gifted”. The point is that the term “gifted” is misused and abused and people too often use it as a term to brag despite it not even being an appropriate term to use. Just because a child is academically ahead of peers due to enrichment and early academic exposure does not equate “gifted”. Truly “gifted” is a whole different thing and guess I’m sick of every Tom, Dick, and Harry who has a kid in a SEES school cl
  • Private catholic. No overnight field trips until 6th. Staff only. 
  • Our extended family has stayed at this home in Union Pier. The beach is kind of far (yes you can walk but probably further than what you mean by walking distance), however there is an outdoor pool and clubhouse with ping pong table right across the street. Looks like your dates are currently available.   https://www.vacasa.com/unit/48505

Neighborhood Parents Network connects a diverse community of families by providing support and resources designed to solve the challenges of parenting in Chicago.

Parenting in Chicago

Fueling Healthy Adventures: Tips for Nurturing Picky Eaters on the Go
Juggling picky eating during family travels requires creativity, preparation, and a dash of flexibility. By understanding the reasons behind picky eating while on the road, at the airport, or overseas, and implementing practical tips, you can transform mealtime into an opportunity for nutritional exploration. As a dietitian, my emphasis is on creating lasting memories of nourishing adventures for your child, ensuring they receive the nutrients their growing bodies need....
Making Travel Au-some
Traveling with children can be fun, exciting and challenging and traveling with a child with a special needs child adds a whole new dynamic. And yes, there are moments when I look at my husband and wonder, “Why did we sign up for this? Are we crazy?” and then we remember, we are turning therapeutic moments into valuable experiences and making lifelong memories....
Dear Teacher, We’re Taking Our Child Out of School for Vacation
It used to be a painful exercise when I had to write a note to our son’s teachers to let them know w...

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