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  • Sitaara Jones is a Chicago native and enjoys working from home as a mama of three and wife. A former third-grade teacher, Sitaara enjoys making the lives of teachers and students healthier through movement and also works as a fitness instructor.

    Spring Cleaning Success! An NPN Shopping Guide

      Ahhh the fresh smell of spring. Followed quickly by the strong desire to toss everything! I like to channel Marie Kondo when it comes to spring cleaning…if it aint sparking joy, it’s gotsta go! But it’s a new year and I’m ready to try new things so here’s my list of spring cleaning must-haves.

    If you’re anything like me, at any given time of the day, your home resembles a pigsty (hopefully sans the odor). I have kid toys, clothing, random bits of food, and some of my husbands random items scattered across the tables, countertops, and floors constantly. It’s become our new decor. While I’ve grown to accept that a tidy home is not included in the toddler parenting pack - I am constantly on the prowl for ways to improve the overall aesthetic of my home (AKA ways to hide all of the clutter). Smart storage has become my new thing. The excitement that comes over me when I walk through the cleaning aisle or the Container Store is enough to make my husband green with envy. 

    But who am I kidding? I don’t actually have the time to stroll through store aisles often. So I am forever thankful to Amazon and their array of useful products that aim to make the cleaning process easier, especially for those of us with busy lives and limited amounts of energy. 

    So without further ado, here are a few of my favorite (Amazon) things! Each of which can hopefully help you take on your cleaning goals and keep your home semi-less cluttered all year long (or until next spring, at least!)

    The Pink Stuff Cleaning Paste

    I’ve been hearing about this product line A LOT but it wasn’t until I saw a few reviews on TikTok that I was convinced to try it myself and I have to admit - it works. At only $5 a jar and with over 172k positive reviews, this is a buy that you won’t feel guilty about trying out for yourself.

    Undersink Organizer

    With all of the new cleaning products, tossing them under the sink or into a cabinet just won’t cut it. This undersink organizer was easy to put together and saves me a ton of space while keeping everything organized and easy to find. 

    O-Cedar EasyWring Microfiber Spin Mop

    A few years ago, I splurged on a mop system that also claimed to steam your floors so well you could eat off of them. And then the liquid steam solution ran out and it was a pain ordering a new one or a new mop head. This year, I switched over to this O-Cedar mop system and it also removes 99% of bacteria but doesn’t need special steam solution and the mop heads can be picked up at local stores! This bundle in particular even comes with a few extra replacement mop heads! FTW.

    22 Piece Drill Brush Attachments Set

    My hubby bought this years ago when my 5-year old was in her prime “get everything sticky” phase. I thought it was a joke until he tested this bad boy out on her high chair and it came out looking better than new. I really can’t recommend this product enough, it helped reach all of the tiny crevices that food nestles down into and my husband was excited to use it because it requires a power tool. Anything that can get him to contribute to scrubbing is a win in my book.

    2-Pack Mop and Broom Holder

    The people we purchased our home from were so ahead of the game on this one. They already had this installed into our home so I didn’t need to buy one but I had to list it here because it saves so much floor space and keeps everything in an easily accessible spot.

    Underbed storage

    We use these to store away just about everything but primarily for hiding out of season clothing and kid toys. We even have our kids help pack their underbed storage bin so they know exactly what’s there and where to find things (and return them later) when they want to play with them. My favorite thing about this pack, is that it comes with 3 bins and they have handles on them!

    Vacuum Storage Bags

    Want to stuff even more stuff into your underbed storage container? These vacuum storage bags are addictive and fun. Seriously, we kept looking for items to toss into them and flatten! We even got the kids in the mix and had them help suck all of the air out and talked about the science behind it all, too. I actually just purchased this pack to help with college packing in a few months! 

    Based on some of your advice in the forum, here are a few products I’d recommend to help with some of the main areas you all said to be sure to tackle: 

    A few of you also mentioned donating things instead of just tossing them and I am a HUGE fan of donating things that we no longer use. Here’s one organization that accepts work attire to help the homeless and other people in need dress their best for job interviews.

    Keep the spring cleaning ideas coming! Share your favorite products, tips, and strategies in the forum!


    *It’s important to note that as a 501c3, we are always searching for ways to invest back into NPN and help us continue to grow. For that reason, we may occasionally earn an affiliate commission on the sales of products that we link to at zero cost to you. We vow to only feature items that we genuinely love and want to share and that our opinion on each item is our own and not at all influenced by any earnings. 

    Image: People Magazine

    Author's Content Page Sitaara Jones is a Chicago native and enjoys working from home as a mama of three and wife. A former third-grade teacher, Sitaara enjoys making the lives of teachers and students healthier through movement and also works as a fitness instructor.

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