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Events happening today
Nov 12, 2024 12:30 AM 01:30 AM
This webinar provides a boundary setting approach that frees you from the frustration and anger at your children's reactions when you make simple requests, provide easy directions, and set limits. With this guidance, you'll experience a mindset shift, and become equipped to be the leader your children - all children, including neurodiverse children - will want to follow. It creates more peace and fun (yes, fun!) in your family life!
You'll leave the webinar with:
- compassion for what you’re up against,
- understanding of the hidden reasons for your child’s default settings
- know-how for factoring your child's settings in to your interactions, and
- key principles to anchor you as you use the
- scripts and
- implementation plan provided -
- knowing you can become a Serenely-Confident-Parent™!
This is a recurring event being offered two other times:
Wednesday, Nov 13th at 9:30amCT
Saturday, Nov 16th at 10:30amCT
This is a free, online event, but RSVP is required. Please go here to register.
This is an external partner event. Please contact the organization directly with any questions or concerns: sheryl@stollerparentcoaching.com.
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