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To say that all of your relationships change after having kids is an understatement. They’re not necessarily better or worse, just...different. Nevertheless, navigating relationships post-baby can be tricky.

Luckily, seasoned NPN parents have plenty of advice for adjusting to the new normal with friends (new and old), in-laws, your parents, co-workers and, most of all, your partner. Have a question about a particularly thorny situation you’re dealing with? The discussion forum is here for you 24/7.

4 ways I focus on my marriage after becoming a parent
Seven years of marriage has taught me a lot. How communicating with my wife (and really listening) when I would prefer to shut down really helps us solve problems. How saying “I’m sorry” should only b...
Is your relationship ready for baby? 4 tips to prepare your partnership
Becoming a parent is a joyful, exciting time. It is also a stressful, disorienting and exhausting time. There is cultural messaging that children are a joy and we should be happy throughout their...
I met my mommy match on a blind date
Motherhood is a mix of emotions: excitement, exhaustion and, of course, endless amounts of love. But here’s the thing: Motherhood can also bring up another feeling that not a lot of people talk about....


Gotta Vent 2025

So when my autistic kid asked for a school map during his recent high school IEP transition meeting they said that there are no maps for “security reasons.” I don’t know why this rubbed me the wrong way, but it did. Maybe it was because it was the only thing he asked for?   It makes me won...

Will I regret getting divorced?

I've been married for 12 years, in a relationship for 16.  My husband and I have two daughters, ages 7 and 4. I'm the primary breadwinner.  My spouse lost his job in 2020 and never really recovered. He's been unemployed for 4 of the last 5 years. He also has a drinking problem. I've stayed in the ma...

Corporate culture after work events give me some feedback

DH works in the corporate world and for the past few months he attended work related after hours events 1-2 times a months that involve drinking and coming home later than usual. The holiday celebration night out with his team he came home at 1am. I work in a totally different industry where this is...

How much dedicated time do you spend with your partner?

Curious how much one on one time you spend with your partner/spouse, like where you're giving one another your undivided attention? I am in a long term relationship with a man I do not live with. We usually spend anywhere from 5-15 hours a week together, depending on our respective schedules and kid...

Gotta Vent 2024

Overall, I like ...no, love... living in Chicago.  But having to fight with the City over how to pay a parking ticket I objectively didn't deserve, from the ease and space of a friend's suburban home makes me wonder why I put up with the BS.       ...

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