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NPN Meredith M

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Everything posted by NPN Meredith M

  1. Preparing for preschool can seem like an overwhelming process. Although there are many different preschools in Chicago, there are some common elements to preschool that every parent needs to consider. In this intimate recorded live discussion, preschool experts will discuss the logistics of preschool and answer your questions. You will walk away from this discussion knowing: 1. What to expect the first week of preschool 2. What to bring the first day, when to expect a phone call from the teacher, and more 3. How to plan for the entire year such as celebrating birthdays at school, field trips, and more A parent Q&A followed this discussion from our esteemed preschool school panel, which consisted of: The Ancona School Black Bear Academy Florence G. Heller JCC Near North Montessori School Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor The Ancona School
  2. You've read her writing in the New York Times and The Atlantic, you follow her on Instagram, you subscribe to her ParentData Substack, you've highlighted passages in her books. Join NPN for an in-depth and intimate recorded live discussion with Emily Oster, PhD on pregnancy and babies! Emily Oster is a Professor of Economics at Brown University. She holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard University. Emily’s academic work focuses on health economics, development economics, and statistical methods. In addition to her academic work, Emily has written two bestselling books on data-driven parenting, “Expecting Better” and “Cribsheet.” Her third book, "The Family Firm: A Data-Driven Guide to Better Decision Making in the Early School Years" is set to come out in August 2021. Emily’s work has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, CNBC, NPR, Slate and more. Currently, Emily is working on the National COVID School Response Dashboard, which she developed with Qualtrics.
  3. Join estate planning attorney Jennifer Guimond-Quigley for a live recording on the nuts and bolts of estate planning for new parents. After the session, attendees will walk away with: - General knowledge on estate planning concepts - What parents of young children especially should be focused on, such as the benefits a trust, will and powers of attorney provide - What to consider when designating guardians for minor children Additionally, Jennifer discusses common pitfalls in naming children as direct beneficiaries of estates and transfer on death accounts and the best way to provide long term financial oversight for a minor child’s inheritance. This Zoom session was followed by a Q&A for parents at the end. About the speaker Jennifer Guimond-Quigley is the owner and managing attorney at the Law Office of Jennifer Guimond-Quigley, currently in its tenth year of operation. She realized early on in law school that she had a passion for both family law and estate planning. After gaining experience in these two areas both during and after law school through several small firm positions, Jennifer decided to start her own firm. With her solo practice, Jennifer loves having the freedom to collaborate with her clients to achieve the best results possible without the constraints common to practicing with larger firms. Jennifer has an extensive background in business and accounting, which has been invaluable in her legal practice. She spent years working as an accountant, and that experience has been imperative in counseling her clients about the financial and tax impact of their decisions and agreements. Jennifer’s comfort level with numbers allows her to easily explain their complexities in a relatable way to her clientele. Jennifer resides in Chicago with her husband and children.
  4. Applying for Kindergarten can seem like an overwhelming process, especially in Chicago where there are so many amazing schools to consider. Although there are many different private schools in our city, there are common application elements and procedures across them all. In this intimate recorded live discussion, elementary school experts discuss the Kindergarten application process and answer your questions, with a parent Q&A at the end. This video should leave you with a better understanding of the following: 1. Application process 2. Acceptances and waitlists 3. Financial aid Thank you to our esteemed elementary school panel, which consists of: Greenfields Academy Roycemore School Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts
  5. Linda Szmulewitz of Sleep Tight Consultants answers questions about sleep! This short presentation and parent Q&A was recorded live on June 11, 2021. This presentation's focus was to give parents the following: - Understanding the basics of sleep for babies age newborn to two years old - Best practices surrounding sleep for babies age newborn to two years old - Answers to your questions Linda Szmulewitz is a licensed clinical social worker, a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach through Kim West, LCSW-C, aka The Sleep Lady ®, a DONA trained postpartum doula and the mother of two children. Her goal is to help improve the functioning of the family through improved sleep. She believes that by empowering parents with the tools necessary to help their children become excellent sleepers, it will help them parent more consciously and happily. She has been helping families with their children’s sleep for more than 10 years, worked with more than 1500 children across the United States and from more than 10 countries, and helped more than 3000 parents get back to sleep.
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    Preparing for preschool can seem like an overwhelming process. Although there are many different preschools in Chicago, there are some common elements to preschool that every parent needs to consider. In this intimate live discussion, preschool experts will discuss the logistics of preschool and answer your questions. You will walk away from this discussion knowing: 1. What to expect the first week of preschool 2. What to bring the first day, when to expect a phone call from the teacher, and more 3. How to plan for the entire year such as celebrating birthdays at school, field trips, and more There will be time for Q&A at the end! Our esteemed preschool school panel consists of: The Ancona School Black Bear Academy Florence G. Heller JCC Near North Montessori School Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor The Ancona School Please email Amy Johnson at amy@npnparents.org with any questions.
  7. until
    Attention Single Moms By Choice - this is the group for you! Join other SMC moms on June 16th via Zoom to to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as moms. This members only group will meet Wednesday, June 16th from 8 PM - 8:45 PM via Zoom. Please RSVP today and you will receive your Zoom link in your confirmation email. Should you have any questions please email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  8. until
    Attention Single Moms By Choice - this is the group for you! Join other SMC moms on June 16th via Zoom to to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as moms. This members only group will meet Wednesday, June 16th from 8 PM - 8:45 PM via Zoom. Please RSVP today and you will receive your Zoom link in your confirmation email. Should you have any questions please email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  9. until
    Moms always need a break - here is your chance to gather and gab in person with moms who are as entertained and frazzled as you are with your little wonders. NPN member and volunteer, Cathy, has coordinated a 40+ mom meet up at Horner Park on Sunday, June 13th at 2 PM to to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as toddler moms. Please note that this event is for NPN members only for moms 40+, and our host requests that you wear masks to Horner Park. Parking is on California, we hope to see you there!
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    As part of our All About Baby's programming, we are excited to open our New Moms Group to both members and non-members throughout the month of June! These are for new moms with babies who are between 2-5 months (or about that age). NPN team member Meredith will coordinate a video chat for moms to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as new moms. This group will meet Wednesdays, June 2nd, 9th and 16th, 23rd and 30th and from 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM via Zoom. For non-members, you can join any day that works for you for $15 per session! If you'd prefer to attend more than one time, please use the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount and join NPN for $30 and attend as many as you can. If you are already a member, please login to RSVP for free. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after registering, including the Zoom details and then once ore before the group begins. If you have questions or would like more information about attending or hosting a New Moms Group, email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  11. until
    As part of our All About Baby's programming, we are excited to open our New Moms Group to both members and non-members throughout the month of June! These are for new moms with babies who are between 2-5 months (or about that age). NPN team member Meredith will coordinate a video chat for moms to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as new moms. This group will meet Wednesdays, June 2nd, 9th and 16th, 23rd and 30th and from 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM via Zoom. For non-members, you can join any day that works for you for $15 per session! If you'd prefer to attend more than one time, please use the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount and join NPN for $30 and attend as many as you can. If you are already a member, please login to RSVP for free. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after registering, including the Zoom details and then once ore before the group begins. If you have questions or would like more information about attending or hosting a New Moms Group, email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  12. until
    As part of our All About Baby's programming, we are excited to open our New Moms Group to both members and non-members throughout the month of June! These are for new moms with babies who are between 2-5 months (or about that age). NPN team member Meredith will coordinate a video chat for moms to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as new moms. This group will meet Wednesdays, June 2nd, 9th and 16th, 23rd and 30th and from 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM via Zoom. For non-members, you can join any day that works for you for $15 per session! If you'd prefer to attend more than one time, please use the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount and join NPN for $30 and attend as many as you can. If you are already a member, please login to RSVP for free. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after registering, including the Zoom details and then once ore before the group begins. If you have questions or would like more information about attending or hosting a New Moms Group, email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  13. until
    As part of our All About Baby's programming, we are excited to open our New Moms Group to both members and non-members throughout the month of June! These are for new moms with babies who are between 2-5 months (or about that age). NPN team member Meredith will coordinate a video chat for moms to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as new moms. This group will meet Wednesdays, June 2nd, 9th and 16th, 23rd and 30th and from 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM via Zoom. For non-members, you can join any day that works for you for $15 per session! If you'd prefer to attend more than one time, please use the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount and join NPN for $30 and attend as many as you can. If you are already a member, please login to RSVP for free. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after registering, including the Zoom details and then once ore before the group begins. If you have questions or would like more information about attending or hosting a New Moms Group, email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  14. Starting preschool is a big deal for both parents and children. From separation anxiety to making new friends to learning new skills, there is a lot to consider and prepare for. Take this opportunity to learn from experts about how to make this a smooth and happy transition for everyone in your family. Preschool experts will discuss how to prepare for the first day of preschool and beyond, how to handle separation anxiety and some things parents and children can look forward to during these special years. You will walk away from this discussion with the following: 1. How to prepare your child for preschool 2. How to handle separation anxiety on the first day and beyond 3. What to expect on the first day Thank you to our preschool panelists: Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph School, Ancona School, Lycée Français de Chicago, Park West Co-Op Nursery School A special thank you to our Presenting Sponsor Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph School
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    Applying for Kindergarten can seem like an overwhelming process, especially in Chicago where there are so many amazing schools to consider. Although there are many different private schools in our city, there are common application elements and procedures across them all. In this intimate live discussion, elementary school experts will discuss the Kindergarten application process and answer your questions. You will walk away from this discussion with a better understanding of the following: 1. Application process 2. Acceptances and waitlists 3. Financial aid There will be time for Q&A at the end! Our esteemed elementary school panel consists of: Greenfields Academy Roycemore School Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts Please email Meredith Marzano at mmarzno@npnparents.org with any questions. This panel discussion will cover the private school application process. To learn about the public school application process, start here.
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    As part of our All About Baby's programming, we are excited to host a June Virtual Toddler Moms' Night "Out!" Toddler moms always need a break - here is your chance to gather and gab with moms who are as entertained and frazzled as you are with your little wonders. Grab your favorite beverage and join us Wednesday, June 9th at 8PM! NPN member and volunteer, Cathy, will lead a Zoom chat for moms with children between 18 months and 3 years to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as moms. This event is for NPN members only. Please register once. You will receive an email confirmation after you register with the Zoom link. For non-members, as part of our June All About Baby programming, you can join NPN for $30 using the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount. Questions? Contact NPN Program Manager Meredith Marzano at mmarzano@npnparent.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline at 1.888.431.2229, staffed by our warm and caring family/infant specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  17. until
    Attention moms over 40 with children between 2 months and 3 years old - this is the group for you! Please join NPN member and volunteer, Cathy, who leads a Zoom chat for moms 40+ to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as moms. Please sign up for this group to attend one or all of these April meetups and drop in for as long as you can! This group will meet at 12:15 - 1:00 PM on Fridays. You will receive a Zoom upon RSVPing and the link again before the meeting. NPN members only. Please register once for you and your child(ren). You will receive an email confirmation after you register. Questions? Contact NPN Program Manager Meredith Marzano at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staff by our warm and caring family/infant specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  18. until
    Attention moms over 40 with children between 2 months and 3 years old - this is the group for you! Please join NPN member and volunteer, Cathy, who leads a Zoom chat for moms 40+ to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as moms. Please sign up for this group to attend one or all of these April meetups and drop in for as long as you can! This group will meet at 12:15 - 1:00 PM on Fridays. You will receive a Zoom upon RSVPing and the link again before the meeting. NPN members only. Please register once for you and your child(ren). You will receive an email confirmation after you register. Questions? Contact NPN Program Manager Meredith Marzano at mmarzano@npnparent.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staff by our warm and caring family/infant specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  19. This webinar is for parents of students entering Chicago Public Schools in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade, and parents who are curious about the selection process in CPS. When Chicago Public Schools elementary school notifications come out, what does it all mean? Parents might receive multiple offers, one offer, no offers, and wait list numbers for their child. Join us for a chat about how to understand the notifications that you receive and how to handle multiple offers and wait lists. Because of the pandemic, parents may be unable to tour schools or meet face to face with principals and current school families, typical strategies parents use to get a "feel" of a school and make a decision. While the impact of COVID-19 is still playing out, we will also discuss alternative ways to get a sense of a school before making a decision.
  20. until
    As part of our All About Baby's programming, we are excited to open our New Moms Group to both members and non-members throughout the month of June! These are for new moms with babies who are between 2-5 months (or about that age). NPN team member Meredith will coordinate a video chat for moms to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as new moms. This group will meet Wednesdays, June 2nd, 9th and 16th, 23rd and 30th and from 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM via Zoom. For non-members, you can join any day that works for you for $15 per session! If you'd prefer to attend more than one time, please use the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount and join NPN for $30 and attend as many as you can. If you are already a member, please login to RSVP for free. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after registering, including the Zoom details and then once ore before the group begins. If you have questions or would like more information about attending or hosting a New Moms Group, email Program Manager, Meredith Marzano, at mmarzano@npnparents.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline, staffed by our warm and caring family/infat specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
  21. until
    Toddler moms always need a break - here is your chance to gather and gab with moms who are as entertained and frazzled as you are with your little wonders. Grab your favorite beverage and join us Wednesday, May 12th at 8PM! NPN member and volunteer, Cathy, will lead a Zoom chat for moms with children between 18 months and 3 years to connect and talk about the unique challenges and joys you face as moms. This event is for NPN members only. Please register once. You will receive an email confirmation after you register with the Zoom link. For non-members, as part of our June All About Baby programming, you can join NPN for $30 using the promo code AllAboutBaby to receive a discount. Questions? Contact NPN Program Manager Meredith Marzano at mmarzano@npnparent.org. Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Erikson Institute. NPN is proud to share information about Erikson Institute's Fussy Baby Network: The Fussy Baby Network offers a range of parent support services around crying, sleeping, and feeding issues for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We provide free phone support through our warmline at 1.888.431.2229, staffed by our warm and caring family/infant specialists. We also offer free virtual home visits to families no matter where they live. Finally, we provide support groups for parents to talk together about the challenges they face and how they cope. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.
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    Starting preschool is a big deal for both parents and children. From separation anxiety to making new friends to learning new skills, there is a lot to consider and prepare for. Take this opportunity to learn from experts about how to make this a smooth and happy transition for everyone in your family. In this intimate live discussion, preschool experts will discuss how to prepare for the first day of preschool and beyond, how to handle separation anxiety and some things parents and children can look forward to during these special years You will walk away from this discussion with the following: 1. How to prepare your child for preschool 2. How to handle separation anxiety on the first day and beyond 3. What to expect on the first day Plus our experts will help you prepare yourself for the first day too, and there will be time for Q & A at the end! Our preschool panel consists of: Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph School Ancona School Lycée Français de Chicago Park West Co-Op Nursery School Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph School Email Meredith Marzano at mmarzano@npnparents.org with questions.
  23. This NPN Live at Lunch panel series is a 30 minute elementary panel discussion followed by a 15 minute Q&A about what to look for in an elementary school. We hope that you will walk away from this discussion with three things: *The ability to identify an organized, healthy school *A better idea of what factors are most important to you in finding a good-fit school *Some questions to ask to help you determine whether a school is a good fit for your family
  24. This NPN Live at Lunch panel series is a 30 minute preschool panel discussion followed by a 15 minute Q&A about what to look for in a preschool. We hope that you will walk away from this discussion with three things: *The signs of an organized, safe, happy, and enriching preschool program * A better idea of what is most important to you when it comes to preschool * How to ask questions that will help you determine if a program is a good fit for your family
  25. This NPN Live at Lunch panel series is a 30-minute preschool panel discussion followed by a 10-minute Q&A about applying to preschool. We hope that you will walk away from this discussion with two things: * An understanding of components of the application process and how to apply * Answers to common questions that parents have about this process

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