Choosing the right therapeutic preschool for your child can be an overwhelming task, especially in Chicago where there are so many options. With so many different therapeutic approaches, how do you know which approach works for you and your family?
In this discussion, you will learn about a variety of therapeutic preschool approaches, hear examples of good questions to ask and things to think about when you are researching therapeutic preschools, how insurance coverage works, and walk away confident in your ability to choose a therapeutic preschool that is a good fit for your family.
Our Esteemed Panelists:
Lorell Marin, M.Ed., LCSW, BCBA, DT, Founder/CVO, LEEP Forward., Dr. Connie Weil, Clinical Director, Tuesday's Child, Kimberly Shlaes, Director of Preschool Programming & Developmental Therapy, PlayWorks Therapy Inc., Katelyn Suski, Director, Chicago Speech Therapy Academy, and Dr. Jennifer King, Director, Blue Bird Day Wheaton
Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor LEEP Forward.